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Health & Hygiene


The pre-school promotes a healthy lifestyle and a high standard of hygiene in its day to day work with children and adults. There will always be at least one qualified first aider on the premises. All the setting premises used will be designated as non-smoking/Vaping areas.



Parents are requested to keep their children at home if they suspect or have, any infection. We reserve the right to refuse admission or to send home any child found to have an infectious illness, e.g., Whooping cough, chicken pox, measles, Covid-19 etc.

In line with the Children Act, 'no child or member of staff should enter the premises if they are known to be suffering from sickness or diarrhoea and should not be permitted to return until 48 hours after clinical recovery.' We ask parents for their co-operation with regard to this. For further information on clinical diseases and their exclusion times, medical advice may be sought from:-


The Department of Public Health,

2-4 Pyle Street

Newport, (Telephone 821388)

Covid19 helpline on 119


It is also necessary to notify the pre-school leader of the reason for any absence. This will be recorded for our safeguarding records.

Cuts or open sores, whether on adults or children, will be covered with sticking plaster or other dressing. The pre-school will ensure that the first aid equipment is kept clean, replenished and replaced as necessary. Outdoor play will be encouraged at every opportunity.


Administration of Medicines and Medication

If a child is on prescribed medication then the following procedures will be followed:-

  • The medication must be stored in the original container and clearly labelled with the child's name, dosage and any instructions.

  • Written information will be obtained from the parent giving clear instructions about the dosage, administration of the medication and permission for a member of staff to follow the instructions.

  • All medications will be kept in the locked gated area of the room(No access for children).

  • A log is kept containing:-name of child, times medication should be administered, date and time when it was administered, together with signature of person who has administered each dose plus signature of parent to verify.

The pre-school must inform and clear with its insurance company with regard to the administration of life saving medication. If specialist knowledge is required, staff must receive training from a qualified health professional. 



To aid personal hygiene, staff, children and adults will be required to wash their hands on arrival to the setting , after toileting, outside play, coughing, sneezing, before handling food and dry them

with a paper towel which will then be discarded appropriately or use a hot air


We follow government advice around ventilation of the setting so have the windows and external door open during the sessions. 

Good respiratory hygiene will be followed by all adults and children.

Tissues are available as and when necessary. There is provision of hand sanitisers for adults. 

As the pre-school employs staff who hold certificates in First Aid, Food Hygiene and AIDS/HIV Awareness, these set the standards that are applied on the premises.

As part of the provision children will be provided with information around healthy eating, good life style choices and oral health. 

PACEY Oral Health information

Image by Mélissa Jeanty
Image by Edgar Castrejon
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