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E-Safety Policy


Policy statement

Binstead Stepping Stones has a commitment to keeping children safe and healthy and the safety policy operates at all times under the umbrella of the Safeguarding Policy. The e-safety policy is the implementation of the Safeguarding policy in relation to electronic communications of all types.


The Internet is now regarded as an essential resource to support teaching and learning. Computer skills are vital to accessing life-long learning and employment.

It is important for children to learn to be e-safe from an early age and the setting can play a vital part in starting this process.  In line with other setting policies that protect pupils from other dangers, there is a requirement to provide pupils with as safe an internet environment as possible and a need to begin to teach them to be aware of and respond responsibly to possible risks.



1. Core Principles of Internet Safety

The internet is becoming as commonplace as the telephone or TV and its effective use is an essential life-skill. Unmediated internet access brings with it the possibility of placing children in embarrassing, inappropriate and even dangerous situations. We follow the current GDPR rules when using information technology and data is shared or stored inline with this directive. 


2. The E-Safety Policy is built on the following care principles:

• Guided educational use

Significant educational benefits should result from internet use including access to information from around the world. Internet is carefully planned and targeted within our regulated and managed environment.

  • Risk assessment

We have a duty to ensure children in the setting are not exposed to inappropriate information or materials. We also ensure that children know how to ask for help if they come across material that makes them feel uncomfortable.

  • Responsibility

Internet safety within the setting depends on informed staff, parents, cares and visitors taking responsibility for the use of internet and other communication technologies such as mobile phones.


3. Why is it important for pre-school children to access the internet?

The internet is an essential element in 21st century life for education, business and social interaction. The setting has a duty to provide children with quality internet access as part of their learning experience.

Pre-school internet access will be tailored expressly for educational use and will include appropriate filtering, as set out by the primary school. Pupils will learn appropriate internet use. Staff will guide pupils in online activities that will support their learning journeys.

The internet is also used in the setting to support the professional work of staff, to allow effective planning and to enhance the setting’s management information and business administration systems.


4. How will filtering be managed?

The primary school is responsible for system support and they will ensure that the appropriate filters are applied to the PCs in the children’s rooms, PCs in the office and iPad’s. The primary school will also review the sites accessed.

Staff will monitor the websites being used by the children during sessions. If staff or pupils discover unsuitable sites have been accessed on the pre-school room PCs, they must be reported to a DSL immediately so that filters can be reviewed.


5. Managing Content

Staff are responsible for ensuring that material accessed by children is appropriate and for ensuring that the use of any internet derived materials by staff or by children complies with copyright law.

The point of contact on the website should be the nursery address, nursery e-mail and telephone number. Staff or children’s home information will not be published.

Website photographs that include children will be selected carefully and will not allow individual children to be clearly identified. Pupils full names will not be used anywhere on the website, particularly in association with photographs. Written permission from parents or carers for featuring their child on the website is requested when each child starts at the nursery and parents/carers wishes are followed at all times.

Emails of parents/carers will be collected on admission and Tapestry forms when a child starts the setting. These will be used to share information about the settings events and updates. These may be shared at this point with other current parents and professionals if needed.


6. Communication

• Managing e-mail

Children will not have access to e-mail. Staff using e-mail will use the setting e-mail address. This address must not be used for personal e-mail.

• On-line communications and social networking

Staff will not discuss individual children or their setting on Facebook, twitter or any other social networking site.


• Mobile technologies

Mobile phones are not permitted in the pre-school room. Staff are permitted to use their mobile phones in the office, but the taking of photographs on mobile phones is strictly prohibited anywhere on the setting site.

Any member of staff using their own laptop must adhere to the e-safety policy in all matters relating to the setting. Sexting will not be tolerated and must be reported should it occur, to the DSL. this includes parent to staff, staff to parent and adults to children.  


7. Parents and e-safety

Parent’s attention will be drawn to the setting’s e-safety policy. A copy will be available at all times for parents/carers to read. Regular information, guidance and support will be displayed via our lobby, Facebook page and Tapestry.

and parents can use this address to access more information around safety of 4-7 year old's online.


8. Handling Complaints

Any complaints about the inappropriate use of the internet or other technologies will be handled through the complaints procedure.


Should any staff member, parent/carer, student, volunteer need any support with anything mentioned in this policy, DSL’s and/or the management team are to provide this or refer to the setting Child Protection Policy. 


This policy was reviewed and update on 28.08.2023

Review date: Sept 2024


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