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Photo, Video & Mobile Phone Policy


This policy applies to children attending Binstead Stepping Stones Pre-School.

Digital images will either be held on a computer file which is password protected or be stored on a CD held in a locked safe. The images will only be held whilst the child is in attendance at the pre-school and will be destroyed when they leave. The images may be used for training and accreditation, for use in the child's profile or for records of special events. By agreeing with this policy the parent/carer indicates that they are willing to allow other parents to take photographs/videos of special pre-school events e.g. Christmas Concert, Sports Day, Outings , etc. Any images taken by parents that do not only have your child in must NOT be used on the internet e.g. Facebook, Twitter , etc. 

We have one Pre-School Facebook page, this is a completely public page.

 Photos of any children posted will only be after the agreement of parents first. (If easily identifiable) 


Mobile phones

The use of personal mobile phones by both staff and parents is not permitted in the setting. However the settings mobile phone which is monitored by both safeguarding officers and is all so used by the setting as one of the two designated cameras can be used. All images are stored in line with the above policy. It use is for both parents and staff to keep in contact. The use of texts and emails to inform the setting and for staff to inform parents will be monitored again by safeguarding officers. 


we will also provide information for parents to help keep their children safe online

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