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We believe that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes.

A parent/carer who is uneasy about an aspect of the group's provision should first consult with the pre-school leader.

If after several weeks the problem is not resolved or recurs then the parent/carer should submit the concern or complaint in writing to the pre-school leader. A meeting will then be arranged between the leader, deputy leader, complainant and a friend or partner of the complainant that will be minute.


If the matter is still unresolved, then a mediator (agreeable to both parties, e.g.,  A representative from the Early Years Unit, Primary School Head teacher) could be brought in to help define the problem, review the actions so far and to suggest further actions.

All discussions and written records will remain confidential.


Role of the registering authority

In some circumstances, it will be necessary to bring in the registering body, which has a duty to ensure that laid down agreements are adhered to. The registering authority would be involved if a child appeared to be at risk or where there seemed to be a possible breach of registration requirements. In these cases both parent and pre-school would be informed and the registering body would ensure that a proper investigation of the complaint took place, followed by appropriate action.

The registering authority can be contacted at:-   


National Business Unit,

Piccadilly Gate,

Store Street,


M1 2WD

Telephone 0300 123 466


As professional child carers we have a duty to protect the children in our care, and as such may seek further advice where there is concern, without prior consultation


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