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Our Philosophy
Generations of Adventure...
           It’s In Our Nature”

 The pre-school and its staff members are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children, so that every individual child has the opportunity to develop their full potential intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially.

About our staff team...

Our Amazing 
Green party hat
Staff Members

Alison Balmer 


Alison has worked at the Pre-School since 1996 and took over as manager in January 2008. She has achieved diploma in pre-school practice (level 3) in 2000, CCLD level 4 in July 2008, foundation degree in early childhoods June 2012 and extended this to BA Hons in June 2014.


She is one of the settings safeguarding officers, child protection officers (CPO) and risk assessment managers. 


Sarah Green 

Deputy, Early years educator & SENCO

Sarah has been working at the pre-school since September 2011. She has completed her level 3 childcare training in July 2013 and foundation degree in early childhood studies in June 2017 and then extended this to BA Hons in July 2018.


She is the settings speech and language champion. alongside the settings deputy CPO and risk assessment manager 



 Staff Cover 


We are lucky to have some very experienced cover for the setting should we need it. Hailey and Angela are up to date with current setting requirements and are able to step in when needed. 

 Our commitment to quality

We the undersigned are committed to the pre-school in caring for your child so that every individual child has the opportunity to develop their full potential intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially.


This pre-school is committed to :-

  • Providing good quality care and Early Years education to help the development and education of children under statutory school age allowing all children to be unique and of equal worth

  • Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


The aims and objectives of the pre-school are:-

  • To welcome both parent / carer and child to a happy and secure environment

  • To help the child to develop with confidence as an individual through exploration, experiment and play with other children and adults

  • To learn to respect and consider others without prejudice

  • To enable the child to become independent with the ability to think for themselves and express their own ideas creatively

  • To learn to share and be polite to others


Achieving the above we hope will enable all the children to be as ready and happy as possible to go on to the next stage of their education.


The pre-school has been part of life in Binstead for many years moving from the Institute on the main road to the Community centre and then onto the primary school site with our last move being made into the school building its self. We now occupy 2 large classrooms along with a well maintained outdoor area. We operate as a private business renting the space from the school. Attending the pre-school does not give any child a place in the reception class at Binstead. This is a separate admissions process operated by the local council and we have no say in this process. 


Our fee structure is simple....

All day session: 9am to 3pm are charged at £42.00

Morning sessions: 9am to 12pm are charged at £21.00

Afternoon sessions: 12pm to 3pm are charged at £21.00

Per hour: £7.00



The fees charged for attending sessions are calculated to cover the basic running costs of the group i.e. staff wages and training, rent, insurance, membership to PLA, in-service training, Tapestry subscription, consumable materials (such as paint, paper, glue, fruit, vegetables, cleaning materials, etc.). We rely on fund-raising to enable us to buy new equipment or replace old.

 We accept 2, 3 and 4 year old funding. Please see the following link to make yourself aware of the various criteria that could apply. This includes the universal 3 & 4 year old funding entitleing your child to 15 hours of care over 38 weeks.

You may meet the criteria to allow a claim to be made for extra funding for your child while at the setting. This can be applied for by yourself or by the setting at



We have strong and close contact with Binstead Primary School and liaise with staff regularly. As the Early Years Foundation Stage begins with us and ends at the end of reception year, we work closely with the reception class teacher, and Head teacher.

The group has use of some of the school facilities, including slots in the hall for recreation, and visits to the school library and playing fields. However by attending the Pre-school it DOES NOT give a child any preference when going on to attend the main school. This is an admissions process undertaken by County Hall and is out of our power. The current criteria for acceptance into Primary school are available on-line at


We have our own outside play area which we utilise at every opportunity, whatever the weather! This area mirrors the inside environment allowing all the same learning opportunities to take place. We are keen for the children to be aware of the local area and take them on regular walks (always suitably supervised).


We also join in other school activities as and when invited, and children whom will be undergoing transition to primary school, have opportunities to attend short visits to the reception class on a weekly basis during the summer term.


To help us to provide these activities we would be grateful if your child could have these NAMED ITEMS, a spare change of clothes always kept at school as the children do often get wet or dirty. If the weather is cold a coat, hat, mittens and scarf are a must and in the sun a hat and sun cream. IF YOU GIVE US SUNCREAM WE WILL RE-APPLY AT LUNCHTIME, BUT PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE FIRST APPLICATION ON IN THE MORNING.


In the morning and afternoon the children are welcome to bring in a snack from home. This must be a healthy snack such as fresh fruit, bread sticks, rice cakes , fresh veg, dry cereal etc. This is not limited to these things but please do be mindful of hidden sugars and salt in processed and pre-packed foods. Snacks must be packed separately to any lunch the children have and in named pots or bags. We will offer Milk and water to the children across the sessions, but if children want to bring in a named water bottle to drink from during the day thats great. Don't forget this must contain watering MUST be a sugar free drink. 

Drinking squash during the day is not recommended by the British Dental Association, and we follow their expert guidance.


Children who are staying all day have their lunch (12 - 1) will need to bring a named packed lunch.  These must follow our healthy eating policy e.g. no sweets(including chocolate) or fizzy drinks, but lots of fruit and vegetables! We strongly suggest that cool blocks should be included as it is not possible to refrigerate items within the pre-school. Again please double check for hidden sugars and salts in your Childrens food. lots of items commercially available for pack lunches are not at all healthy! 


Parents, grandparents and carers are always welcome at any pre-school session. We like new children to have had 1 or 2 trial sessions before they are due to start so that both you and your child can meet us, the staff, and see how the group operates. Once your child has happily settled you will be able to leave him/her but do not worry if this takes some time. We encourage parents/carers to be involved in any of the pre-school's activities, events or visits.


As your child is given the chance to use paint, glue, play dough, water sand and many other exciting materials, please send your child in PLAY clothes – MOST of these items do wash out eventually. Red sweatshirts, t-shirts and fleeces with the pre-school logo are available to order. Please ask Alison for details.


All new children are asked if they need the toilet during a session. We are willing to assist and support with their toilet training and to help with this, provide training seat, potty, toilet step and a selection of spare clothes in case of accidents. If your child is still in pull ups / nappies, please make sure that they have sufficient wipes, nappies, nappy bags on their peg to enable us to change them during their sessions. We may make a charge if we have to use our own resources to clean your child if you do not provide enough.


Term dates, special events and general information will be posted in the lobby area notice boards, so please look here each week. More information is available in our operational plan, a copy of which is kept in the foyer for you to borrow. We also advertise training courses/workshops that are open to parents/carers.



How to get to us...


We encourage all our families to walk to school but completely understand that this is not always possible.


If you are coming to us by car PLEASE DONOT use the main school car park, but the car park at the top of Coniston Avenue instead. 


We look forward to seeing you and your little ones!!


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